Our Upcoming Events

Breakfast Academy: 10 Tips for Being an Executor
On Thursday November 21st, join Debbie Stanley for a delicious and informative breakfast at the Italian Canadian Club of Guelph.
7:30 am: Breakfast begins
9:30 am: Event ends

The Power of Planning: Death & Taxes Seminar
On October 9th, at Memory Gardens Funeral Home, join us for an evening packed with expert advice from the following speakers:
Jeremy Bertrand: Senior Program Specialist & Ontario Ministry of Finance
Nina Cabral: Program Advisory Specialist & Ontario Ministry of Finance
Debbie Stanley: CEO, Senior Estate Administrator & Certified Executor Advisor

Hike for Hospice
On Sunday, June 2nd at Riverside Park in Guelph, we celebrate Hospice Wellington's 20th Hike for Hospice event.
10:00 am: Registration Begins & Family Fun Activities
11:30 am: Community walk in Riverside Park
12:00 pm: Free Hiker BBQ and Prize Announcements
12:15 pm: Dog Show
1:00 pm: Event Ends

Join us for a free Zoom webinar where we will provide every potential executor with sufficient information to decide if you want to take on the job or not.
7:00 pm: Presentation begins
9:00 pm: Presentation ends

10 Tips Presentation at Victoria Park Senior Center
Victoria Park Seniors Centre 150 Albert Street W, Fergus
10:00 am: Presentation begins
11:00 am: Presentation ends + Q&A

Hospice Wellington Spring Series: Executor Education Sessions.
Session 1 Thursday, May 9 2024: 10 Top Tips to Prepare YOU to Be an Executor
Session 2 Thursday, May 16 2024: Coping with Loss: What Happens After Your Loved One Dies
Session 3 Thursday, May 23 2024: Beyond Probate: Navigating Estate Administration After Probate
Session 4 Thursday, May 30 2024: After Estate Administration: Wrapping Up and Reclaiming Your Life
Looking to schedule an engaging and informative session for your organization?
We offer a variety of dynamic presentations to fit your needs!