Today’s Executor vs. Technology

While the level of comfort we each have with technology drastically varies – the big question we should all be asking ourselves is “how comfortable is my Executor with navigating technology and digital platforms?”  

Years ago, estates consisted of the co items such as a few bank accounts, property, vehicles, household contents, family heirlooms, etc. However, as the decades passed, the popularity and rise of technology quickly overtook the globe. Email and the world wide web changed the way we interacted with each other, banking went online, and social media pages shot to fame. Now – the common estate consists of things such as online memberships, cloud storage, online banking and investments, social media accounts, Cryptocurrency, and the list goes on…  

Consider asking yourself the following questions about your own digital life and how they might impact your estate: 

  • Would your Executor be able to navigate closing your numerous social media accounts?  

  • Is your Executor able to access and download from your cloud storage? 

  • Can your Executor figure out how to terminate your various subscriptions such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Doordash, Spotify, Instacart, etc.? 

  • Would your Executor be able to access your online banking and investments? Crypto currency or NFT’s? 

  • What about the physical items such as accessing your computer, laptop, tablet, and smart phone? Is your Executor comfortable navigating and wiping those devices to factory settings? 

Sharon Hartung, the author of Your Digital Undertaker, has said it best, “A digital life means a digital footprint and eventually a digital estate.” Think of how many websites alone you have entered your email address into - or how many email newsletters you have signed up for over your lifetime! We all have a digital footprint in some capacity, whether it be big or small. As technology continues to advance and our lives become increasingly more digital, it is crucial that we consider our digital estates when it comes to selecting an Executor.  

If you want to learn more about the role of Executor or ensure that your Executor is ready to take on the job – check out our brand-new video-based course called Executor Ready! Executor Ready does just that – gets you and your Executor ready for the role through ten easy-to-digest video modules led by our CEO and Founder Debbie Stanley. We answer all the burning questions like “Do I really need probate?” to “What do I do with all of these digital assets?” and everything in between.  Click the link to learn more and to get your Executor Ready today! 

This blog is not intended to be legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you require legal advice, please contact a legal professional concerning your particular circumstances.


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